Dulce and Delsie von Dorn are 2 adorable 10 week old Shepherd mix puppies. (female)
They do NOT have to be adopted together.
Per their foster mom:
Loving, mellow, but playful little girl. She loves to snuggle and have her belly rubbed. In the morning after she goes outside to do her business, she looks forward to running into your lap and having you rubbing her belly as she puts her muzzle in your neck and licks you. She is very lovable. Her sister makes her play when sometimes she doesn't want to because other times she plays really hard with her. She loves other dogs and plays with the household German Shepherd. She adores kids and adult men and women. She also loves her breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner and cookies.
Super playful, but will cuddle with you. She loves to have her belly rubbed and play with you at the same time. She will be more independent and probably an alpha. She's always looking for something to play with, and keep busy. She wants you to take her on walks, play tug-a-war and sleep with her when she finally settles down. She likes to play rough and will play with you for hours. If you can't be with her, you may want to have another large dog so she doesn't get bored.